Bette & Barry Barr


Bette Jaker Barr & Barry Barr – Wedding day: 9/19/65


A story from PJ:

Bette was a tour guide extraordinaire.  She took great pride in her role as a “Licensed NY Tour Guide” and knew all sorts of interesting facts about NY. 


Here’s a story that she shared:

"A funny story about a school group I was escorting in the city, a few years ago.  We met them at the airport (EWR) when they came in from Florida.  Snow was forecast, even in early April... you know how that goes.

We picked them up and took them to the Metropolitan Museum for their first stop.  It had started to snow when we went into the museum and continued for the few hours we were there.  When we came out, there was about four inches of wet snow.

Our itinerary had us walking south, through the park, to meet the bus at 72nd St.  Well, the kids, most of whom had never experienced snow (of course they knew what it was) quickly figured out how to make snowballs and snowmen and snow angels.  I had advised the teacher in charge, weeks before, to be sure that the kids wore real shoes since the weather could be very changeable that time of the year, so there were no sandals or flip flops!

The kids were having a great time in the snow until they found out how your hands can freeze without gloves on.  No one (except me) had gloves and they were going through the freezing/burning of snow!!

I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at them... they were having so much fun throwing snowballs at the teachers but they suffered for doing it!! LOL"




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